Wednesday, December 31, 2008

China Beach

Another abstract image from the Christmas tree which reminds me of the imagery of the far east. Either Vietnam era tropical trees silhouetted in rising sun, or ancient Chinese bamboo in the sunset.

I made these last several by pulling back with the macro lens and shooting from a greater distance than usual. The lens was out of focal range, but the lights and silhouettes made for some interesting pictures

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rising Sun

A more abstract image of the pine needles against the blur of background christmas twinkly light. This one reminds me of the Japanese flag, and the poster for the movie Empire of the Sun. I've not experimented with the more two-dimensionally abstract side of macro photography before and think I should, after playing around a bit with images like this.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fake Plastic Trees

More of the oddly plastic-looking up close pine needles.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Glitter on a Christmas ornament, up close. Like a million tiny mirrors.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Pine Needles 2

Another piney needley shot for the Christmas holidays. We'll be doing these all week folks.

I like how this one in particular looks fake and plastic green, almost like a Lego tree or something.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pine Needles

Pine needles close up, surrounded by twinkly Christmas lights.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Plant

This is a macro shot of a plant that reminds me of a snow flake.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Monday, December 15, 2008


More bubbles in ice that look like Christmas ornaments; a seasonal photo for the Morning Macro photo blog.

I also like the explosive look of this one, the bubbles look like they've been ejected from the right of the frame, when in reality, they are literally frozen there. Fascinating that the ice froze over a period of time, not in an instant, and the result is still so active and expressive.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


This little guy stopped for a drink in a cupped leaf. He was about 18mm long and a poor conversationalist.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Here's a tiny snail shell, about a centimeter across, found on a pier in Muskoka, Canada.  I really like how detailed this tiny specimen is. No matter how small you go, there are still delicate details in the little things I've observed.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Another example of the beautiful patterns made by bubbles in ice. This image is so feathery, the bubble trails look almost soft. I'm always amazed at what I get to see through the lens when shooting macro.

The quality of light is important in these photos, as well as any photo. In this case, I was lucky that my flash setup wasn't doing what I needed it to, and I had to use the ambient available light, a mix of daylight and indoor incandescent. It was my good fortune that this light worked well to enhance the softness of the image.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sky Blue Sky

I probably should have been using a smaller aperture for this shot so more of the photo was in focus. At any rate, I think this dragonfly is beautiful and I love its colors.

I had to lay on the dock for a while, with several dragonflies hovering around, waiting for one to land within range of my lens. This guy came to rest close enough, so I scooted forward until it was sharper. The wood planks kept retracting my lens as I was trying to creep up, which made it a difficult shot.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Silver Drop

More water on leaves. I love how the background turned out in this one. Nothing special was done to the photo in post-processing, the colors and focus is accurate to how it was captured.

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.
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