Saturday, February 14, 2009

Project M, and Me

First of all, the above photo is the "m" on the ever-delicious m&m. I used a blue one because Mimi loves blue. I was somewhat surprised at the dried frosting-like quality of the white stuff that makes up the "m."

I assume it's edible paint or something, I suppose I've never seen edible paint so close before. A first time for everything.

Next, I will use this opportunity to plug an upcoming adventure I plan to participate in. Well, adventure may be extreme. It's a workshop, for designers and people in similar fields. It's called Project M.

The brainchild of John Bielenberg, a designer/studio head kind of guy, Project M aims to take us designer youths, well and an old fart like me, and put us into an intensive two week workshop where we explore together how to "think wrong." In the process, we will achieve something with our talents that gives back to the world.

I've been interested in finding some way to do something positive for the world, and figuring how to use my experience as a designer/artist to do such a thing has eluded me. This is a great opportunity for me personally, and for the rest of the group involved to work together with group with similar interests and goals. I am really excited for this opportunity and really looking forward to it.

Here are a few resources about Project M, if you are curious:
The challenge was to "Draw Nothing," and that was the only instruction.

(it doesn't necessarily work like other websites, keep an open mind)

Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.

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