Just revisiting salt crystals a with different lighting setup. Last time I shot salt, it was lit with scattered light. This time, it's a transmitted light setup. These are techniques used (to far better effect with far better equipment) by snowflake photographer, Ken Libbrecht. Again, this is regular, old teensy tiny salt crystals.
I was hoping that the transmitted light technique—which is more like the way a microscope captures an image, whereby light comes from the beneath the image instead of above—would help me to capture more detail in the salt crystals. I think it kind of captured the crystals in a different way, but not with the detail I'd hoped. Instead of highlighting left and right edges with different colors, the light pattern simply mixed into purple.
This could be a result of the kind of edges that are present in salt crystals, or it could be because I don't actually have a microscope for my shooting.
At any rate, I liked that in this photo, we can see that salt crystals seem to form in squares, and grow out from there, before being shattered into salt.
Send me your suggestions for something tiny that you'd like to see big.
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